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Re: Disgusting thread... ;-)

From:Jan van Steenbergen <ijzeren_jan@...>
Date:Thursday, November 4, 2004, 18:30
 --- Pascal A. Kramm skrzypszy:

> Well, it's not that far from the border, but the Dutch border.
Yeah? Were exactly, if I may ask?
> French names (like mine) can be easily found, and there's lots of > French stuff in the supermarkets, esp. camembert. I *love* > camembert. I also love croissants and baguettes.
The combination French first name with German last name is particularly common in Luxemburg. As a matter of fact, you could easily have presented yourself as a Luxemburger. All the French stuff you describe (I don't like camembert; I quite like Brie and Port-Salut, though; I adore croissant, and I don't mind a baguette from time to time) is quite common here, too. As a matter of fact, I wonder if France really needs to be close in order to have those thins in the supermarkets. Jan ===== "If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping in a closed room with a mosquito." ___________________________________________________________ALL-NEW Yahoo! Messenger - all new features - even more fun!


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