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Re: TRANS: common expressions.

From:CARLOS THOMPSON <carlos_thompson@...>
Date:Wednesday, October 27, 1999, 22:16
From: Gerald Koenig wrote:

> I'm just going to try a few that have to do with space/time tense: I > put the # sign next to them. This is a very practical exercise, trying > to better the elusive and concise idiomatic english metaphors. Thanks,
Well, I should do somethink like this with my languages... after translat= ing the whole part seams too large.
> Carlos. > ------------------- > The list: >
> #Where is the bathroom? > > Kuol vis dixanut? > > Kuol is partly modeled on "cual". In > "?Cual es la fecha de hoy?" > we can say that there is a VARIABLE TYPE > "fecha" [date] and an [abstract] OBJECT, "hoy" [day].
Cannot the {-ne} suffix replace the {kuol} question word or {-ne} shouldn= 't be used with vector particles? In this case: =BFvisne dixanut?
> kuol::- What is the value of the VARIABLE TYPE for > [abstract] OBJECT. > > maul::- The value of the VARIABLE_TYPE for [abstract] > OBJECT is: > > vis::-a space type of vector. [Vit is a time-type vector.] > > ?Kuol vis dixanut? translates as: > > ?What is the value of the SPACE_VECTOR for > BATHPLACE? > ie, Where is the bathplace? > ANS: > Maul [vis] dixanut <xa pasju lesi>. > The value of the space-vector for "bathplace" is: > "should move straight ahead a short distance"; > in English, "The bathroom is straight ahead a short ways"
Well. I see the parallel {kuol}/{maul}. How whould it be said without {maul}? * dixanut je xa pasju lesi (?)
> It could also be <0,6j,0>, for example; ie 6 meters ahead of the > speaker. This can be shortened to 6 ju: > > Maul dixanut 6j. > > The value of "spacevector" for "bathroom" is 6 meters straight ahead. > It is known from context that space-vector is the type of variable, > so "vis" is implicit. > > <xa pasju lesi> is considered a vector in the same sense that the > vector <pi, epsilon, phi>, (constants), would be. Pi is used in place > of 3.1416.. Pi points to a procedure, an algorithm, for computing a > number. It is an effective procedure, ie pi, e, phi are computable. In > the same sense, a coherent set of directions is computable and will > yield a position vector which can be expressed numerically. Any > effective algorithm can be used as a vector construct substituting for > numbers. > > I found many other ways to say, "Where is ...", in VXT. Kuol and maul > are also very useful with other variable types such as TIME, NAME, > CARDINAL, ORDINAL, and others: > > ?Kuol NOM uvu? > What is the value of NAME for you? > What is your name? > Maol NOM Jerry. > Maol Jerry. > The value of NAME for me is JERRY. > ?Kuol VIT Los Angeles? > What is the value of the time-vector for Los Angeles? > Maol 1:04pm PST Los Angeles. > The value for the time-vector for Los Angeles is 1:04pm PST. > It is 1:04 pst in la. > [ros] Maol vit 10^87 atik Los Angeles. > [maybe irrealis] It is 10^87 time-atoms since the big bang in > Los Angeles.
-- Carlos Th