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Re: TRANS: common expressions.

From:Gerald Koenig <jlk@...>
Date:Wednesday, October 27, 1999, 9:10
Date:         Mon, 25 Oct 1999 09:42:22 -0500
From: Carlos Thompson" <carlos_thompson@...>"
Subject:      TRANS: common expressions.

In another list the following phrases where asked for translation.  I think
it makes a good tranlation exercice in this list.

I'll be working in my conlangs a little, I'm sure they will give a good
perspective on how this idioms and common expressions work.

-- Carlos The
Gerald Koenig:

I'm just going to try a few that have to do with space/time tense: I
put the # sign next to them. This is a very practical exercise, trying
to better the elusive and concise idiomatic english metaphors. Thanks,
The list:

same to you
sincerely yours
Who cares?
Cheer up!
#As far as I know...

Nir lok mi kon.
Inside that which I know. A slightly different metaphor.
To  explicitly mark it as a metaphor, rather than a physics
statement, use "met" the metaphor marker:
Met nir lok mi kon. OR
Le ga mis kim`on.
Length equal to my knowing.

By the way...
By all means...
It's no use.
a babe.

#She goes on and on.

Za re re tok.

Re is the repeat marker, doubling it gives emphasis as
in english. She talks, talks, etc. literally. Re doesn't
specify the number of repetitions as a default.

#Up until now...

Jus-ce qu'a OOPS

Mu ga zu...

The now (mu) is equal (ga) to the variable endpoint
of the predicate's vector. It doesn't say whether the
action will now stop or continue. There is a way to
specify in VXT.
Mu ga ki ha tomtok iza.

With the Now equal to a known value,
he is deprecating her.

Right now he is deprecating her and he has been doing so; which is the
same as up until now.

Another way:
Bifurcated-perfect: She <has talked> ..    @=========*
4                 Za mup tok.

She may stop now or continue, the tense is ambiguous.



Just for fun.
I can't help it.
He's nuts.
What's up?
neat! (as in great!)
Consider it done.
My dream came true.
Let's face it...
He's full of shit!
What a shame.
Keep it to yourself.
Her days are numbered.
So what's the point?

#That's beyond me.

Eco dis innir mis kim`on.
That is outside my knowing.
Eco dis get mis das.
That is located greater than my grasp.
It seems to be:).

#in the nick of time.

mu ga atik diemiem.
time equal to the time-atom deciding-adj
mug atik diemi.
now equal to decisive-adj  time-atom.
with the now at atom-decisive.

You should have known better.
I'm losing my temper!
Do you get it? (understand)
Give me a call.

#I'm staying put.
Natu mif pas.
It is not the case that I will move
any direction from where I am. OR
Mi toron em dis.
I persist in being located.

Learn it by heart.
He's driving me nuts.

#Just imagine.
Xa bim "p".

That goes without saying.
She is my pride and joy.
You hit the jackpot.
exchange rate
I haven't got a clue.
Keep your chin up.
You get on my nerves.
It's a matter of time.
Get lost.
Let's make the best of it.
Look out.
Make up your mind.
On the other hand..
What's the matter with you?
We barely made it.
Eat shit and shut up.
That's a different case altogether.
Don't judge a book by its cover.
If I'm not mistaken.
Keep in touch.
Shame on you.

#Just a moment.
[Go] xa hulte leti.
[Any pronoun] should wait a short time interval.

I'm as happy as can be.
I see.
I know exactly what you're talking about.
see you later
sleep soundly
close enough.
Who in the world are you?
Nice to meet you

#See you later
[Go] ivu de mu 'ek.
Iv dem 'ek.
[any pronoun] you-acc after now [go] will see.

de mu  means right of now, later, on the timeline.

Send it to me.
Is that really true?
Where do you come from?
Where are you from?
I am from..
Could you speak more slowly please?
xxxx [the net erased something here]

#How far away is it?
?Gol disli  le?
It is located away [from speaker] what length?
?Kuol vis gol?
[see kuol below]

#Show them to me.
Vu xa isu moxan umi.
Contracted form:
Vux is moxan um.
You  shall-imperative them show to me.

I like that.

#I am lost.
Mi dis inkoniem.

I am located unknowing-adj.
Mi dis inkoni. TVS.

inkoniem/inkoni is a predicate adjective modifying

Mi dis inkonoem.
I am located unknowingly-adv.
inkonoem modifies the verb dis. It's your choice.
It looks like NGL needs a relex for "lost".

#There has been an accident.
ol *acayoh ko xolcit.
An accident has happened.

Could you help me please?
How do I get to..?
Where is the hospital?

#Where is the bathroom?

Kuol vis dixanut?

Kuol is partly modeled on "cual". In
"?Cual es la fecha de hoy?"
we can say that there is a VARIABLE TYPE
"fecha" [date] and  an [abstract] OBJECT, "hoy" [day].

kuol::- What is the value of the VARIABLE TYPE for
[abstract] OBJECT.

maul::- The value of the VARIABLE_TYPE for [abstract]

vis::-a space type of vector. [Vit is a time-type vector.]

?Kuol vis dixanut? translates as:

?What is the value of the SPACE_VECTOR for
ie, Where is the bathplace?
Maul [vis] dixanut <xa pasju lesi>.
The value of the space-vector for "bathplace" is:
"should move straight ahead a short distance";
in English, "The bathroom is straight ahead a short ways"

It could also be <0,6j,0>, for example; ie 6 meters ahead of the
speaker. This can be shortened to 6 ju:

Maul dixanut 6j.

The value of "spacevector" for "bathroom" is 6 meters straight ahead.
It is known from context that space-vector is the type of variable,
so "vis" is implicit.

<xa pasju lesi> is considered a vector in the same sense that the
vector <pi, epsilon, phi>, (constants), would be. Pi is used in place
of 3.1416.. Pi points to a procedure, an algorithm, for computing a
number. It is an effective procedure, ie pi, e, phi are computable. In
the same sense, a coherent set of directions is computable and will
yield a position vector which can be expressed numerically. Any
effective algorithm can be used as a vector construct substituting for

I found many other ways to say, "Where is ...", in VXT.  Kuol and maul
are also very useful with other variable types such as TIME, NAME,
CARDINAL, ORDINAL, and others:

?Kuol NOM uvu?
What is the value of NAME for you?
What is your name?
Maol NOM Jerry.
Maol Jerry.
The value of NAME for me is JERRY.
?Kuol VIT Los Angeles?
What is the value of the time-vector for Los Angeles?
Maol 1:04pm PST Los Angeles.
The value for the time-vector for Los Angeles is 1:04pm PST.
It is 1:04 pst in la.
[ros] Maol vit 10^87 atik Los Angeles.
[maybe irrealis] It is 10^87 time-atoms since the big bang in
Los Angeles.

#Where can I exchange money?
?Kuol vis [lon] mi ka kuipor kon?
What is the value of the space-vector for
the event: I am able to exchange money?
?Kuol vis mik kuipor kon?
Matu: mik kuipor kon diski?
Question: I can trade money located at what place?

#I will stay with you.
Mif hulte ezo uv.

I am sick
Hi, what's going on?
Who sent you?

#How far away is it?
?Kuol vis gol?
What is the value of the space-vector from the default origin, the
speaker, to "it"?
How far away is it from the water?
?Kuol vis gol or vod?

keep away from
that is to say.
at last
go to bed
get up, get out of bed.
care about
did it work?
Are you finished?
Is everything in good order?
Please tell me.
everything is allright
Merry Christmas and happy new year
What is that supposed to do?
Who should I talk to?
Gee, thanks a lot.
Cut it out (stop that)!
I'm beat
I'm wiped out.
I'm exhausted.

#So am I :).

The coast is clear
It is safe to go on.
I risked my neck for you!
I put myself in a dangerous situation for you
I was just thinking about you
