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Re: Translation thingy (was Re: Antipassive)

From:Roger Mills <romilly@...>
Date:Sunday, January 19, 2003, 18:34
I've lost the beginning of this thread, but here it is in Kash, which has no
passive voice. (_patin_ 'punish' is temporary)

> > > "The girl who was hit by her brother was punished". (Is this right?
Why would the victim be punished???? but anyway...) "Normal" active: ipatin luminjin re yen yakepak mambreni i-katin luminji-n re yen ya-kepak mambre-ni 3pl-punish girl-acc REL 3s/f/acc(her) 3s(subj)-hit brother(nom)-3Poss(her) "They punished the girl who her brother hit her" (actually the rel.clause here (with subj. last) is "passivized"; it could have been " mambreni yen yakepak" which would translate as (active) "...whose brother hit her"). Without context, verbs with 3pl. subject prefix are interpreted as "unknown/irrelevant subject" = "passive" "Passivization" (or the translation equivalent) is done by fronting the object. In this case, however, because the object NP contains a "lengthy" rel.clause and is "too heavy" to front in toto, we have to transform to topic/comment: luminji re yen yakepak mambreni, yen ipatin "As for the girl(nom.) who her brother hit her, they punished her" (different intonation, and the topic is in nom. case regardless of its role in the sentence)
> > > "The girl who hit her brother was punished"
Normal active: ipatin luminjin re yakepak mambreñi i-katin luminji-n re ya-kepak mambre-n-ni 3pl-punish girl-acc REL 3s(subj)-hit brother-acc-3poss(her) "Passive", again a topic/comment due to "too heavy" Obj.NP luminji re yakepak mambreñi, yen ipatin "(as for) the girl(nom.) who hit her brother, they punished her ~she was punished" A simpler sentence: Normal active: çenji yarungombra lopan "Shenji killed/slaughtered a lopa (food animal)" Passivized (object fronted) lopan yarumgombra çenji Topicalized : lopa, çenji yan yarungombra ~ lopa, yan yarungombra çenji-- slight difference (subject/agent emphasis), but not important (yan = 3/m/acc, masc. by default) Unknown/irrelevant agent, Normal: irumgombra lopan 'they killed a lopa = a lopa was killed' "Passivized": lopan irungombra -- definitely interpreted as "a lopa was killed" Topicalized _(?*)lopa, yan irungombra" seems a little odd; but OK if lopa was marked as definite/previously mentioned: lopa ya (or, lopani), yan irungombra "(As for) that (or the/his) lopa, they killed it. Then there's the "accidental" verb form, usually agentless-- luminjiye cakepak luminji-e ca-kepak girl-dat accid.-hit "The girl got hit" to express the agent: luminjiye cakepak mambreyini (as above.........) mambre-i-ni girl-dat accid-hit brother-gen-poss "The girl got hit by her brother" Here, the hitting was _probably_ accidental; in the first batch of sentences, with active ya-kepak, it was definitely deliberate. Cf. also: lopaye cakombra "A lopa got killed"-- hit by a truck, maybe lopa-e ca - kombra lopa-dat accid.-death