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Re: Furrin phones in my own lect! (YAGPT warning!)

From:Henrik Theiling <theiling@...>
Date:Monday, March 27, 2006, 23:01

Roger Mills <rfmilly@...> writes:
>... > Ditto. But very few get into non-book-standard speech very > seriously.
[6] is definitely part of Standard German pronunciation.
> And Henrik wrote earlier: > > Of course, /@/ vs. /6/ vs. /a/ is a mean phonemic contrast for foreign > > learners > > When is [@] phonemic?? Again, my impression has always been that it's simply > unstressed /e/, in final syllables or in some prefixes like ge-, be-.
Yes, maybe. It probably depends on where you draw the phoneme boundaries and how abstract you want to get. I conveniently distinguish /e/ and /@/ in order to not include stress in the basic examples. And with the presence of a lot of loan words, I'd not be completely sure where there are no /e/ vs. /@/ (both in unstressed position) minimal pairs. /e/ would be the short version of both /e:/ and /E:/, which would then usually be pronounced [E].
> Otherwise, mutatis mutandis, a similar three-way contrast does exist in > Engl., where [@] and [V]~[3] are resp. unstressed/stressed allophones of > /@/; and of course we have /a/ though it's usually [A] I think. > > But then, I don't think German has alternations like "telegraph ~telegraphy" > ['tEl@gr&f] ~[t@'lEgr@fi] where [@] can replace various vowels.
No. :-) **Henrik -- Relay 13 is online:


Mark J. Reed <markjreed@...>