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Re: Vya:a:h

From:SuomenkieliMaa <suomenkieli@...>
Date:Thursday, June 14, 2001, 14:31

1) Christophe - Replies to the non conlang-oriented
chat... My elbow is still causing me a lot of
discomfort, but I appreciate your kind words.  About
your partner, he sounds great if he is
understanding/supportive of your unique hobbies such
as conlanging - I'll work on mine!  Also, thx for
asking around for my Finnish a:, which John C kindly
indicated as [&].

2) More on Vya:a:h - First off, visas are not required
for Vaa:vy'yy as Christophe (jokingly?) inqueried
about.  Secondly, again in reply to Christophe,
Vaa:vy'yy may be a distant galaxy from ours but the
inhabitants are human beings (though they can be
considered truly "enlightened" ones who manage to
never war or even really deviate to criminal

Turning attn to the language per se, I must apologize
to all, for I myself made a grave typo error ;-p last
time (in "Hyyva: voa! Hauskatuloa Vya:a:h le'hti L).
I stated that "I am" would be "olm" (written "oll'yi"
in Vya:a:hn script) but in fact it is "oln" (written
"oll'yi" in Vya:a:hn script).  The form "olm" (written
"oll'yyi") means "we are".

Next point, predominantly directed to Christophe, you
mentioned that if I have Vya:a:hn script vertical then
the vowel/consonant harmony markers floating about on
top of the word could be placed to the side.
Appreciate the suggestion, but that would be a great
disservice to my beautifully-created *humbly said*
script!  Alas, I wish it were available for your

Now, so you might grasp what I'm in the process of
doing or intending on doing sometime, read on.

*Vya:a:h, whilst 100% in and of itself a conlang
unrelated to any natlang (nor any other conlang I
suspect), does consist of many vocabulary words taken
from primarily -at the moment- Finnish or Japanese,
and perhaps even Estonian though I cannot say as I do
not know too much Estonian.

   eg. Fin. "puhua"   - Vyh. "puh"  '(to) speak'
            "olla"    -      "oll"  '(to) be'
            "na:yda:" -     "na:y"  '(to) see'
            "tulee"   -    "tauxl"  '(to) come'
            "kuuluu"  -     "kuul"  '(to) be [well]'
            "pahaa"   -    "pahuu"  'bad/poor'
            "hauska"  -   "hauska"  'nice'
            "hyva:"   -   "hyyva:"  'good'
            "Suomi"   -   "Suuomi"  'Finland'
       Jpn. "Nihon"   -    "Nihon"  'Japan'
            "e"       -        "L"  'to, for'
            "meigara" - "meigarrh"  'fin. security'

 NB. Jpn influence is more obvious in the script (as
     well as other non-Roman script influences)

*A few grammar patterns too - though I plan to deviate
from natlangs soon here!  Some cases of similarity*

   eg.    Jpn. "yokoso ... e"
          Fin. "tervetuloa ...-en (*-an, etc.)"
          Vyh. "hauskatuloa ... L"
          Eng. "welcome to ..."

          Jpn. "Nihonkara ..."
          Fin. "Japanista ..."
          Vyh. "NihonuusL ..."
          Eng. "... from Japan"

          Jpn. "Amerikakara kita otoko"
          Fin. "Amerikasta tuleva mies"
          Vyh. "AmerikuusL rrhaux'tauxl theiL"
          Eng. "man coming (who came) from America"

*Faux amis also exist!

  eg. Fin. "mies" man     - Vyh. "meis" Mr. (married)
           "miksi" why    -      "miks" how
           "nainen" woman -      "nain" Mrs.
      Jpn. "dantai" organization - "dantai" society

*Then you got your roots from natlangs:

  eg. Fin. "yski" one ---> Vyh. "vy" one
    -ie, the sound "y" /Y/ suggests oneness in Vyh.
     hence, "Vaa:vy'yy" - the galaxy where Vya:a:h
     is spoken - which literally means "sacred unity"
     ("vaa:" sacred, "vy'yy" unity)
      Port. "boa" good ---> Vyh. "voa" day
    -ie, "day" is bright so "good"
      Lat. "nox" night ---> Vyh. "noxdj" night
    -ie, both the word & sound have a sense of night
      Span. "y" and ---> Vyh. "L" and
    -NB. "L" can also mean "to, for, but" depending
         on usage. The sound is /I/ like "i" of Eng.
         "it" - similar to Span. in that it is very
         short & quick

*Now take a look at this purely Vya:a:hn "phenomenon"!

  eg. "I speak" ----> Fin. "puhun" - Vyh. "pun"
      but in Vyh. it must actually be written as the
      following: "puh'yi"

      "you look" ---> Fin. "na:yda:t" - Vyh. "na:d"
      but in Vyh. it must actually be written as the
      following: "na:y'yu"

  In Vyh. subject pronouns would be "yi, yu, yuu,
  yyi, yyu, yyuu" which correspond to "I, you, s/he,
  we, you(pl), they" respectively.  But these
  beautiful sounds, albeit indepedent of each
  other by sound length differences, would be
  treacherous to distinguish from each other esp. in
  rapid speech, etc.  So, they are reserved only for
  writing Vya:a:h, and a more colloquial (or emphatic)
  subject pronoun set exist; namely -

   I   (male)   "ma:m"   [Fin. "mina:" or "ma:"]
   I   (female) "ma:h"
   *written form "yi"*

   you (male)   "sa:m"   [Fin. "sina:" or "sa:"]
   you (female) "sa:h"
   *written form "yu"*

   he           "ha:m"   [Fin. "ha:n" or "se"]
   she          "ha:h"
   *written form "yuu"*

   we (male, you&I)          "na:m" [Fin. "me"]
   we (female, you&I)        "na:h"
   we (male, you not incl.)  "fa:m"
   we (female, you not incl.)"fa:h"
   *written form "yyi"*

   you (male, pl.)   ta:m   [Fin. "te"]
   you (female, pl.) ta:h
   *written form "yyu"*

   they (male)  "va:m"      [Fin. "he"]
   they (female "va:h"
   *written form "yyuu"*

*More on the script

   Why do spoken & written forms differ?  You got it!
   Due to the elaborate, unique script invented to
   celebrate not only the Vya:a:hn language but the
   Vaa:vy'yyn all-accepting culture (not to mention
   that the basic script goes as below)

   +Must adhere to the 3-"letter" inverted triangle

     2   1        "theil" (to) join -->  ei   th
       3                                     l

   +Must learn the vowel-harmony combinations so that
    when ^ appears above "letters" 1 and 2, you know
    how the 2nd vowel sound(or 4th unwritten "letter")
    should be.

       ^(4)                             ^
     2   1        "hyyva:" good -->  yy    h
       3                                v

  (eg. of the vowel-harmony combination rule would be
   yy - a:, y - eh, ai - ai, aux - i, etc.)

   +Must learn the consonant-harmony combinations so
    that when * (<--actually I cannot write the real
    symbol on the PC, it is sort of like the Scand.
    A with a circle over it - that circle only with a
    horizontal line through it) aappears above
    "letters" 1 and 2, you know  how the 3rd
    "letter" - consonant - will force you to get
    the following consonan (or 4th unwritten "letter")

      *(4)                                 *
    2     1      "theishm" male-ism    ei     th
       3                                   sh

   (eg. of consonant-harmony combination rule would be
    sh - m, lh - dj, z - w, r - g, etc.)

Well, that's enough for now!

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Christophe Grandsire <christophe.grandsire@...>