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Re: Translation exercise was Re: What _Le Monde_ thinks of conlanging

From:Sylvia Sotomayor <kelen@...>
Date:Sunday, July 14, 2002, 17:04
On Sunday 14 July 2002 07:47, Peter Clark wrote:
> On Sunday 14 July 2002 01:02, John Cowan wrote: > > > ObConlang: how does your conlang(s) translate "This > absolute futility is not without charm"?
As a separate sentence: wa jatámmexa jañixón Tó ánen antañén wá; not-be futile-thing perfect-thing this with charm/pleasure not;
> Or, if you want to go for > the longer version, "All this doesn't have, strictly speaking, any > purpose, but this absolute futility is not without charm."
kexien pa Tó nara análtúta wá ewaT wa jatámmexa jañixón ánen antañén wá; kexien is a clausal modifier denoting something understood & expected. pa is a relational that requires two noun phrases: a whole, a part of the whole. Here the whole is Tó nara & the part is análtúta wá. Tó nara means all this. análtúta wá means no purpose/meaning. ewaT is a contrastive conjunction. wa is the negative of la, which is the relational of existence. It requires a minimum of one noun/noun-phrase and any subsequent noun-phrases are considered equivalent of the first. jatámmexa jañixón is something futile & something perfect/something which is the best example of something. The qualifier Tó can be dropped here because it already exists in the previous clause. ánen antañén wá means with no charm/pleasure. (We all know) all this has no purpose/meaning but (such) a perfect example of futility is not without charm. [only had to create two words, too!] -Sylvia -- Sylvia Sotomayor The Kélen language can be found at: This post may contain the following characters: á (a-acute); é (e-acute); í (i-acute); ó (o-acute); ú (u-acute); ñ (n-tilde);