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I have an opinion!

From:David Peterson <digitalscream@...>
Date:Monday, April 2, 2001, 20:25
    I must admit, I really, really, really, really, really, really HATE the
shortening of words and phrases, e.g.: conlang, auxlang, AFAIK, etc.  It
drives me crazy.  If you'll notice, I've never used any such shortenings in
any of my e-mails.  But it's not just confined to this list.  I hate it when
people say cogsci when the mean cognitive science; see ess when they mean
computer science; polisci when they mean political science; bio when they
mean biology; addy when they mean address; peep when they mean people, etc.,
etc.  It drives me nuts.  I like the words as they are.  They're happy words.
 They don't like to be chopped in half or diced up or condensed.  Anyway,
that is the end of the segment: I HAVE AN OPINION!


(This message originally went only to one person--glitch, or something.  I


Yoon Ha Lee <yl112@...>
Padraic Brown <pbrown@...>
Barry Garcia <barry_garcia@...>
Raymond Brown <ray.brown@...>