"The Miller's Sons" in Kash
From: | Roger Mills <romilly@...> |
Date: | Tuesday, April 22, 2003, 23:06 |
> Long ago, in a quiet village in France, there lived a miller.
ri leroç cosa, yalesa ecak osan -pranjes-, riyan yayeçensa keçunjun.
In days gone, there-was village serene French, at-that he-dwelt miller
That miller had three sons and two daughters.
keçunjune ya yale nim ana, sila sinut ro luma.
miller/dat. that there-is 5 child, 3 male 2 female
The oldest son wanted to become a knight one day,
ana sinut mesa yatovar yukar kandenar kariyanju
child male one he-hope become warrior someday
but his father had no money to buy a horse.
mowa amayeni ta yale toye vara traka sovare
but father/dat/his not is money in-order buy sword
(No horses on cindu)
The middle son wanted to become a monk,
ana sinut ro yamelo yukar oriyos
child male 2 he-want become monk
but the nearest monastery had no room for him.
mowa ta yale candundri (r)i yutrama yu mora-mora
but not is space-its in temple that nearby
The youngest son didn't know what he wanted to do.
ana sinut krat inji ta yakaya kar melo teca.
child male most young not he-know that-which want aspire.
We don't know what the daughters wanted,
ta mikaya kar imelo anala luma,
not we-know that-which they-want child/pl female
because stories in those days didn't talk about such things.
ombi anjuraç ri amar yu vangi itrasosir acalaç niç...
because story/pl in era that ancient not they-un/hear (=ignore) matter/pl
Praetereo in silentio the presumptuous question whether our conlangs are
"real" or whatever.
If we ought to be translating longer, more up-to-date texts, I suggest
(1)the editorial in Sunday's 4/20 New York Times, or any other major
newspaper, or (2) John Cowan's multilingual text posted back in June. See
the Archive, or the Kash/Engl. version (slightly modified) on my website
(note that "seng-kr (sengor)" stands in for "rabbi"; the "secret society
"Builders" " translates "Freemasons"; and the place-names were originally
towns in France).