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Re: Lexicon Making

From:Roger Mills <rfmilly@...>
Date:Monday, April 24, 2006, 19:06
Veritosproject wrote:

> When you make vocabulary, do you get a text and make what words you > need or make the words first and then translate? >
I've enjoyed reading the various responses..... My own take(s): The Kash lexicon developed in isolation back in Spring 2000, when I was new to Conlang-L and had done no translations or relays. It was simply a matter of brainstorming and free-associating; as many verbs/adj/nouns/adv.expressions etc. as I could think up at any one time-- usually in batches of around 50. These were assigned more or less at random to a list of ca. 5000 forms generated by the old Langmaker program. Later relays and the old translation exercises did a lot to fill in gaps, along with occasional forms that came to me while driving around (e.g. Hmm, what _is_ the word for "fuel"? :-)), and more organized thought about specific areas of Kash culture, e.g. the class system, telepathy, recipes, etc. Gwr has been another matter; at the beginning I devised about 100 words, with only vague ideas of what the developments from *CVCVC > CVC+tone would be; this worked for a while, until I (a) generated the complete list of possible proto-forms (40,000+), then over the last few months wrote up in detail the sound changes (lots of them, since almost every combination was different...aargh-- actually there's more systematicity than I first thought, but haven't gotten around to that yet), then began creating (in some cases re-creating*) the lexicon based on my old Indonesian wordlist (online if anyone wants it); but after 600 words or so I'm feeling quite burnt out, and haven't gone near it for several weeks. ----------------------- * For ex., "fawh" 'run' turns out to be an impossible form, but I like it, so it's become a "dialect borrowing". :-)) For some words in the most recent relay I neglected to note the proto-form, and it is proving difficult to back-track.


Jim Henry <jimhenry1973@...>