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Re: R: Italogallic in Zera, and other languages.

From:BP Jonsson <bpj@...>
Date:Sunday, April 23, 2000, 10:28
At 17:31 22.4.2000 +0200, Mangiat wrote:

>Some stupid Northern indipendentists (have you ever heard speaking about >Bossi? He's our Haider, and he's just won the regional elections with those >hells of Liberal - Neo Fascist parties) have called Northern Italy Padania.
Nuff reason not to call it that in any conhistory, IMHO!
>I'd rather call Northern Italy Lombardia, since the word is from >'Longobardia' and the Longobards conquerred, around the 7th century, if I am >right, a great part of Northern Italy, so this name could be OK.
Indeed. Cisalpina (< Gallia C.) would work too.
> Southern >Italy has always had the name 'Regno delle Due Sicilie' (Kingdom of the Two >Sicilies = real Sicily + Southern Italy).
Didn't the Greeks have a generic name for those parts? In my conhistory north Italy is in fact Lombardia, while the south is officially divided between the themata Italiako and Sikeliako of the Vasilia Romea, tho usually lumped together and called Basiliaco/Vasiliako (scil. Italia...). There are also an exarchy belonging to the Basileus further north around Venice and Ravenna, and a Repubblica Italiana in the middle centered on Rome. (The pope never came back from Avignon in That World.) /BP B.Philip Jonsson ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~__ Anant' avanaute quettalmar! \ \ __ ____ ____ _____________ ___ __ __ __ / / \ \/___ \\__ \ /___ _____/\ \\__ \\ \ \ \\ \ / / / / / / / \ / /Melroch\ \_/ // / / // / / / / /___/ /_ / /\ \ / /Melarocco\_ // /__/ // /__/ / /_________//_/ \_\/ /Eowine__ / / \___/\_\\___/\_\ I neer Pityancalimeo\ \_____/ /ar/ /_atar Mercasso naan ~~~~~~~~~Cuinondil~~~\_______/~~~\__/~~~Noolendur~~~~~~ || Lenda lenda pellalenda pellatellenda cuivie aiya! || "A coincidence, as we say in Middle-Earth" (JRR Tolkien)