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Re: Language Identification?

From:Muke Tever <hotblack@...>
Date:Sunday, November 16, 2003, 2:06
On Sat, 15 Nov 2003 19:47:54 EST, David Peterson <ThatBlueCat@...>
> Muke: > > <<Well, there's always the process of elimination :x) > It's not Serbo-Croat or Russian, but it's closer to the latter.>> > > Wait, wait, wait. How is it *not* Russian? Take into account the > following: > >> <<Neither I nor the person I learned it from knew how it was spelled, >> so here's an improvised transcription:>> > > The only word I see that doesn't look like an exact one-to-one > correspondant is "utra" for open, but that could be explained fairly > easily. Since the C sequence should be /tkr/, then either: (1) The /t/ > geminated, or (2) it was interpreted by the listener as just another > part of the /t/--in other words, it got lost between the /t/ and /r/.
I figured that was possible.
> As for the following: > > <<> Búdes spádats útro. >> "It will rain tomorrow.">> > > I'd argue the "rain" word is "padat", or something like it, and "utro" is > really "zavtra" pronounced [saftra], with possibly the /f/ going silent > since it's in coda position. It is a very weak fricative. As for the > rain word itself, it doesn't look like /dozhd'/, but it could be some > other local word.
My doubts on "-s útro" being "завтра" are based on that Serbo-Croat form is "sutra", which is closer, so it being "sutro" directly wouldnt be too farfetched. JS Bangs wrote:
> Actually, I'm not sure that it's not Russian either. It doesn't *look* > much like a good transliteration of Russian, but it's not far off from > what we might expect of a naive non-native speakers transcription.
It could be, certainly. But it could just as easily be a similar language (and they do get very similar, cf. 'sutra', and Belarus 'дзьверы' for 'door'). *waves I Am Not A Slavicist flag* *Muke! -- E jer savne zarjé mas ne (You put music in my heart Se imné koone'f metha And with the spirit of an artist Brissve mé kolé adâ. I will make the dreamtime)


Joseph Fatula <fatula3@...>