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Re: vocab #2.2

From:Roger Mills <romilly@...>
Date:Saturday, October 26, 2002, 21:15
Aidan Grey wrote:

>Good job to everyone who did last weeks'! Keep up the good work!
Houseguests prevented me from working on #2.1, but I will, I will.......(am especially curious to see how "say-something hat" comes out in Kash)
>1. whoever.... kaç 'person' > >Whoever stole my wallet is going to die!
kaç re yananjul pacimbi, nan mapakran! person REL he-stole purse-my, him(acc) I-kill (literal ........poro yahorem '.....he's going to die' somehow seems to imply that my purse has odd lethal qualities)
> >2. Which.....lani > >Which one do you like better?
lani halalisam 'which (thing) you-prefer? lanin ..... 'which (person).......' Without thinking, one might say: lani lavi halisam (which more you-like)-- but _lalisam_ 'prefer' is already a compd. of lavi and lisam
> >3. scale > >What kind of bathroom scale do you have?
kandraya ekanjat yale ri atetroçindi? what-kind scale there-is LOC bathroom-your
>How many scales are there on a trout?
nundivek, fiyan nafeçni? OR(bookish): fiyan nafeç yale nundiveke? "long-fish", how-many scales-its? how-many scales there-is long-fish(dat.)
>Someone scaled the wall silently.
kaç yaçindar ñeraka kumo-kumor person he-climb wall silent(redupl)
> >4. throat.....katakur (agt.noml. < sakur 'swallow') > >My throat hurt, so I guessed I had some kind of infection.
katakumbri (me) yahar, ende çañukmi, yale acangi naya yuni throat-my (me/dat.) it-hurts, and-so suppose-my, there-is sickness kind something
> >5. set.....kakambro '(largish) set of matching things' >Every one of the dish sets was chipped
pipinal kakambro yamatraci OR pipinal kakambroni angoç yamatraci every set it-is cracked set-of it bowls
>Everytime he sets the table, he forgets the spoons.
anju-anju yaharam lacani, yacuta lelenupuç whenever he-prepares table/its, he-forget spoons
> >6. slight >Whenever her son has a slight cough, she takes him to the doctor.
anju-anju anayeni voko pici-picik, ne yafilan ri kandumi whenever child(dat.)-her cough little(redup.), him she-takes LOC doctor(gen.) (i.,e. "at/to (place/home of) doctor")
> >7. upstairs > >When we play hide-and-seek, sometimes I like to hide upstairs.
anju mipanip furi-finja, yale anju re malisam mafurik ri vitani puna when we-play h&s, there-is time CONJ I-like I-hide LOC up-its house OR, more colloq/childish-- anju mifuri-finja, nunu mafurik ri vita when we-h&s, often I-hide LOC up
> >8. reduce.....rumomban ('make less', caus. of omban 'less') > >He needs to reduce the number of cigarettes he smokes.
sanjeni, yanjayi rumomban atambatni sigaroç are yafuma necessary-its, he-ought reduce quantity-its cigs. REL he-smoke Borrowings!! the Kash don't routinely smoke anything. Lucky them.......
> >9. care....rumbola 'value, appreciate s.t.', caus. of mola 'valuable') >No one cares about him.
ta yale kaç re ne yarumbola not there-is person REL him(dat.) he-appreciates/values More formal: tapes kaç ne yarumbola 'not-one person him appreciates'
> >10. imagination....añaçañuk(e), < çañuk(e) 'to imagine, suppose; fantasize' > >I never had the imagination you have.
talunda ta me yale añaçañuk orandi hate never not to-me(dat.) there-is imagination like to-you(dat.) Possibly too: ........orandi iyuti ' that-of you(gen) The double negative makes it more emphatic.