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Re: OT: Merry Christmas!

From:# 1 <salut_vous_autre@...>
Date:Sunday, December 26, 2004, 23:49
Tristan McLeay wrote:

>Well, I don't even own a jacket and doubt I'd need one unless I found >myself waking up on the other side of the world (but I have a higher >tolerance for colder weather than most around here, and didn't wear a >jumper for most of the winter (except when it was raining heavily, I had a >nice warm woolly jumper that kept the rain out))
I think that none of you have ever known a real winter :P By winter I don't mean "ho the rain is cold!" or "the wind makes me need a little jacket" Ho no! that's not a winter that's a cold summer night here A winter, here, it's less that -20°C during 2 weeks 4 or 5 times, less than -15°C during 5 weeks in lines 2 times and less than -10°C during 3 or 4 months and less than 5°C during 5 months A rainy winter.. It doesnt exist here, if it rains someday it only means that that water will freeze in the night. Much precipitations are of snow. When there is a lot a snowing it is difficult to walk because it gets higher than you knees. If there isn't so much snow it is just enough to hide the ice and to let you slip, you or your car. Enjoy your high winter's temperatures it is nothing very impressive :) or <:)| (with a hat and a foulard)


Joe <joe@...>