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Re: Cookbook

From:Padraic Brown <pbrown@...>
Date:Saturday, July 7, 2001, 20:39
On Thu, 5 Jul 2001, Dan Jones wrote:

>FWIW, here's a Carashán recipe (I have loads, trust me! Enough to fill an >entire cookbook!)
I like this one, and will definitely have to try it! In Kerno: Par facher y xampinyannes en buther, decaburast ty lb iij de ces tevi xampinyannes, e de le ndeu mbuther qs á O ij; For making the mushroomes in butter, thou'll take down 3 lb of your mushrooms, and of thy butter enough to make 2 pints; e decaburast ty ces aylles, ces perseilles, e ces poyures. & thou'll take down some garlic, some parsley and some pepper. Serrab ty y xampinyannes e doponurast ty le mbuther li sarteni sorry nicknam le medh, e colicuefactureor. Thou'll slice the mushrooms and put the butter to the pan over the fire of the middling sort, and it'll melt itself. Serrab ty ces aylles. Thou'll slice the garlic. Cant bouilleor il buther, doponurast ty y xampinyannes e ces h-erves li butheir. When it boils itself the butter, thou'll put the mushrooms and the herbs to the butter. Recuisineor joiement; e cant fineor, servises ty le mettes cunny vinne o xidere le blanc. It'll cook itself merrily, and when it finishes, thou'll serve the mess with wine or cider of the white sort. [Three pounds of mushrooms is obviously a good feed. Use your judgement if you're cooking for more or less!] Padraic.
> >Airoanes ae jertón >-Mushrooms in butter > >Prezio, jom prende los airoanes a los jeutora. >-First, one takes the mushrooms and slices them. > >Prous, jom meujea la jertón êlla caraya. Jom deave meujear mouto. >-Then, one melts the butter in the pan. One must melt a lot of butter. > >Coan la jertón jeara, jom arena los jersos- l'alyón, la seinón a lo pipai - >a los airoanes >-When the butter bubbles, one adds the herbs (garlic, parsley and pepper) >and the mushrooms. > >Coan los airoanes se meatarain, jom arena un poseu laitui a jom fa jerar-os >porá coadro meios. >-When the mushrooms has shrunk, one adds a bit of milk and one makes them >boil for four minutes. > >Jom los prêza cu duón a vino ruzo. >-One serves them with bread and red wine. > >If anyone tries this and enjoys it, tell me and I'll post more recipes. > >Dan > >---------------------------------- >La plus belle fois qu'on m'a dit > "je t'aime" > c'était un mec > qui me l'a dit... >Francis Lalane >---------------------------------- >


Padraic Brown <pbrown@...>