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Re: USAGE: German VhC pronunciation

From:Mark P. Line <mark@...>
Date:Monday, August 2, 2004, 16:31
Mark J. Reed said:
> For her birthday my wife received a German card game called > Drahtseilakt. (We are of the opinion that the best board and > card games come from Germany, and this one looks interesting > so far.) My question, however, is how to pronounce the name - > specifically, the |h|. Is it silent?
> Is it pronounced as [h], > which feels awkward, but not impossible, to my English-speaking tongue > in that position?
> Does it affect the preceding |a| somehow?
Depends on what you mean by "affect". 'Ah' is a digraph, so I guess you can say that the 'h' "affects" the 'a'. A form like 'Drat' would be pronounced the same as 'Draht' (with an /a:/), so in that respect the 'h' doesn't literally affect the way the 'a' is pronounced in this case. (Note that using 'a' to represent /a:/ is relatively rare, and I don't actually know of a form 'Drat'. 'Skat' and 'braten' (and its related forms) are the only forms I can think of that have this orthograpy. I think the digraph 'ah' must be the most common writing for /a:/ by far, just sitting here thinking of examples. The digraph 'aa' occurs in 'Staat', but I can't think of more examples for that one either.) -- Mark P.S. I wonder if there's a downloadable German dictionary with enough information to check out the kinds of idle intuitions I was indulging in above.


Andreas Johansson <andjo@...>
John Cowan <jcowan@...>