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Re: Conlang Travellers' Guide (was Re: I have a dream)

From:Nihil Sum <nihilsum@...>
Date:Friday, July 19, 2002, 23:56
>Section 1: Pleasantries
1-k'em os'lik: Iz'nabi.
Vai! -hi! Iz'na niir/usan/c'eraz -good day/morning/evening kunastrec'idve -well-meeting! Nice to meet you
Vai! -bye! (vai is kind of like "aloha" this way) Iz'na blovut -enjoy the rest (of the day, year, your life etc) Nastrec'u -see you later (contracion of |nar strec'aku| "until meeting")
Sai, s'e, aan from Tolborese: ne, ne ven, ven
Mie, mai, hi, mi from Tolborese: pu, pu ven
Kraza, hos'atba (asking someone to do something) saatec'ba (this is for "may I please...")
>Thank You
(lon/lin) z'igim(u) A z'iig!
>Do you speak >(English/Spanish/French/Dutch/<whatever>)?Inglavan/Espanyavan/Francavan/Neyerlondavan/<dirkuin> >palbat?
>I don't speak (conlang) very well.
(g'aduizka) ajie mu palbam.
>My name is...
Yan mos'iz ...
>What is your name?
Kunie lon mos'iz?
>How are you?
Kunie c'et? C'u kiostac'?
>I am well.
Aya / aiki / kiostac'em
>I am not well.
Dumen / finaki / byakiostac'em
>I am the walrus, coo coo ca choo.
Walrus c'em, ku ku ka c'u. NS MC' _________________________________________________________________ Send and receive Hotmail on your mobile device: