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Re: "There can be"

From:Carsten Becker <carbeck@...>
Date:Friday, April 11, 2008, 13:58

Matahaniya ang Mark J. Reed <markjreed@...>:

> How do langs with various other idiomatic renderings of > "there is/are" convey the idea "there can be"? (c.f. > Favorite catchphase of fantasy-struck boy-children of the > 80's, "there can be only one"). Would "se puede hacer" > send the right message in Spanish? What the heck can you > do with "I'll y a" in French - "I'll y peux avoir"?
In French that should be _il y a_ /i.'ljA/ German: (1) Es gibt nur einen. 3s:n.NOM give.3s only one-ACC.m 'It gives only one.' (2) Es kann nur einen geben. 3s:n.NOM can(.3s) only one-ACC.m give(.INF) 'It can give only one.' Ayeri: (1) Yomaya menyāng-nama. be-3s:m one.NMNLZ-AGT=only 'Only one is/exists.' (2) Ming yomaya menyāng-nama. Can be-3s:m one.NMNLZ-AGT=only 'Only one can be/exist' Regards Carsten -- Siruena, Dirlem 24, 2317 ya 24:42:32 pd Friday, April 11, 2008 at 03:45:03 pm