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Re: CHAT: silly names, prepositions

From:Andreas Johansson <and_yo@...>
Date:Tuesday, March 20, 2001, 20:32
David wrote:
> >What bugs me is when people use "America" to refer to the "United >States". Probably my geology education causing me to think in terms of >land masses and not countries. But it looks like I'm fighting a losing >battle on this one, since its in common use and there's not much I can >do about it. :)
I'm dead with you on this. I also dislike seeing "Europe" being used for the EU. Most Americans don't live in the USA and most Europeans don't live in the EU! And don't get me started on relative sizes! What we'd really need here is a word "USites" or "USAians" for the citizens of the USA, and possibly something like "EUites" for the citizens of the EU. Now these words aren't too pronounceable, any better ideas? Andreas PS Is "United-Staters" too long? Anybody agree that "Euans" would be a nice term for us EU people? Or since the Brussels élite is increasingly often refered to as "Eurocrats", perhaps we normal people are the "Europlebs"? "Eurolings"? _________________________________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at


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