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Re: Amanda's sentences as translation exercise

From:Roger Mills <rfmilly@...>
Date:Saturday, October 21, 2006, 19:50
OK. In Kash:

> 1. This is my child.
Taya anami (male) or taye anami (fem.) this ana/mi child/my
> 2. His name is Peter.
arañi peter ['peter], or petro (< Span. Pedro) aran/ni name/his
> 3. I love him.
ne masisa him/her(dat.) ma/sisa I/love
> 4. The baby cannot speak (yet).
vevemi tamét yapoçindi baby/my not.yet ya/po/çindi 3s/able/speak Somewhat colloquial. We assume it's one's own baby; someone else's would be veve yu/ye (M/F)... poçindi refers specifically to babies; the tra- ('un-') form trapoçindi also means 'unable to speak' but in the sense of having a physical problem, or deliberately not speaking, or being prevented e.g. at a meeting.
> 5. But he can sit without help.
mowa yañitu yapokuka but yam/ni/tu with/him/self ya/po/kuka he/able/sit "he can sit by himself"-- as close as we can get at the moment ;-( "By himself" = 'alone, apart' would be something else...or maybe not?
> 6. His eyes are blue.
içunuçni (i)tele içun/ç/ni eye/pl/his,her (they)blue tele colloq. < kundele < kuni nele 'color sky' probably a rarity amongst the Kash...
> 7. He desires excessively that I should play with him.
sut-sut yamelo re mapanip yañi too-too he/want THAT I/play yam/ni with him That's neutral. Another way, suggesting annoyance/exasperation: yacakamendro lire mapanip yañi ya/caka/mendro liri+re he/accid./insist concerning+that.... cakamendro = 'overly insistent/demanding' (negative connotations) or maybe _sut yacakamendro..._ TOO overly-insistent/demanding...
> 8. Holding Baby is so nice!
makumbe vevembi, sambat pasam I/embrace veve/n/mi baby/acc./mi (TOPIC), so.much pleasant (COMMENT) We need a word for 'hold in the arms (in front of one's body)'-- perhaps specifically for carrying a baby but 'embrace' fills the bill for now.
> 9. The baby and I went for a walk down the street today.
mam i veve(mi) miharakaran ratu-vaka letrayu I and baby(my) we/haran-redup took a stroll street-down today. Another way: yam vevembi, maharakaran... 'with my baby(acc.), I strolled...' Technically, veve without poss. -mi would mean 'a baby', but we assume one would ordinarily go for a walk only with one's own baby. letrayu 'today' < lero tayu 'day this'
> 10. Although he can take several steps in a row while I hold his > hands, I carried him on our walk.
kambun yapole mepu priç anika luso-lusok pun maçucuña niyoñi, takanda nin mafilan(sa) anju miharakaran. kambun ya/pole mepu pris/ç anika lusok-redup. pun ma/çuña-redup. altho he/can make step/pl. a few follow if I/grasp niyon/ni, takanda nin ma/filan(sa) anju mi/haran-redup. hand/his nevertheless him/acc I/carry(past) when we/stroll. Instead of luso-lusok 'in succession', we might have used yañitu 'with=by himself' here. The basic meaning of çuña is 'grab, catch hold of' (sudden); the redup. form is 'grasp, hold onto...' (continuing action) Not a single new word needed-- yay!-- but some new constructions.