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Re: TRANS: Borges (fi: conlanging and journaling)

From:Carsten Becker <carbeck@...>
Date:Monday, February 11, 2008, 22:07
Matahaniya ang MorphemeAddict@WMCONNECT.COM

> This doesn't look like what you intended.
It looks more like it in UTF-8, though :-P (This mail is also in UTF-8 in case it should get mangled) Ayeri: Yam ilya meayonang nahampanas sitangya tiayam gebisanyeas mavay-ikan. Ang soyaya mehinyanley-ikan gebisanyēri nernasimilyena, lagasimilyena, rivanyena, malingyena, besonyena, tadangyena, inunyena, sangalyena, talingyena, siruyena, pelyena nay keynamyena manga luga perikyanyēa si lugateng. Ya silvisaya takano kivo marin tenyanya yās, ada-sasanlekānreng si ri soyaraley deng berdayye, le puluyreng satekanye marinena yana. “A man gives himself the task to make pictures of the whole world. He fills a whole corner with pictures of provinces, of kingdoms, of mountains, of shores, of ships, of islands, of fishes, of rooms, of tools, of stars, of horses, and of people through the years that pass. In the small moment before his death he discovers (that) that guessway, which is fully filled [i.e. brimfull] with details, mirrors the wrinkles of his face.” Not completely literal in places, but I think it should be OK. Carsten -- Tingraena, Kardaying 1, 2317 ya 04:49:16 pd Monday, February 11, 2008 at 10:29:30 pm