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Re: NATLANG ruki-rule in Slavic

From:Jan van Steenbergen <ijzeren_jan@...>
Date:Monday, August 18, 2003, 14:45
 --- Joe skrzypszy:

> > BTW how easy/hard is Bulgarian to read for a Russian? > > The same order as Danish/Swedish I would suspect. > > I'd say more like Danish/German. After all, Bulgarian is a South Slavic > language, and Russian is an East Slavic one(or have I got that wrong?). A > better analogy for the Danish-Swedish-Nowegian triangle would be > Belarusian-Ukrainian-Russian, I think.ould be > Belarusian-Ukrainian-Russian, I think.
Indeed, I've got the same impression. With my (fairly good) knowledge of Polish and my (much worse and mostly passive) knowledge of Russian, I can understand a Ukrainian text almost without much effort. A Czech or Slovak text slightly worse, but I can still understand the gist of it. In the case of a Bulgarian text, my knowledge of these languages is barely enough to get a vague impression what a text is about. Jan ===== "Originality is the art of concealing your source." - Franklin P. Jones ________________________________________________________________________ Want to chat instantly with your online friends? Get the FREE Yahoo! Messenger