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Re: Useful phrases for tourists

From:Dan Sulani <dnsulani@...>
Date:Wednesday, February 24, 1999, 10:18
Sylvia Sotomayor wrote:


> > So, how does one say these useful phrases in other languages:
In rtemmu one could say: A beer please! "rauzhu str`vuhhe linavuz triyehhe kehs itihk!" polite request-you exclusive give-with respect to everyone knows-subjectively normal rate-slow objective change in the object beer-with respect to objectively normal change me. Where is the bathroom? "usinano dyuxoo`gfairduru, weris?" I don't know-some do know-normal thought rate-slowly changing concept place for-connection-away from me -bodywaste, where? Don't shoot! I'm a tourist! g~amaumhuhu g`uitihksax! don't-you plural inclusive nonreactive (=neutral)- me-end the process! I prefer to use the prefix g~u (g~ = velar nasal), = nothing from and nothing towards. Tourists are, unfortunately, targeted sometimes for scams or crimes, but depending on where you are, being a guest can be worse: "_whose_ guest --- my allies or my enemies?" I don't speak rtemmu. unanu g~amnokuhe nu lr` rtemmu lr`. I don't know-subjectively normal change in me-no noticeable change in my understanding not-ability-with respect to no noticable subjective change name marker rtemmu name marker. Since it means "language", "rtemmu" without being framed by name-markers would be understood as saying "I cannot use language", which would be a very confusing thing to say. Dan Sulani -- likehsna rtem zuv tikuhnuh auag inuvuz vaka'a. A word is an awesome thing.