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Re: Mangling "Bleackley"

From:Ian Spackman <ianspackman@...>
Date:Saturday, September 27, 2003, 13:31
I've been trying to work out what Holic would do with "Bleackley".  The
phonemes themselves are not a problem, but the CVC syllable structure
is.  One possibility is cluster reduction (so "Bikli" or "Likli"), but I
think on the whole they like to preserve as much of the original word as
possible in borrowings: there are enough homophones in the language already!

This suggested "Bi-Likli", a pseudo-compound, but I have my doubts about
that: "Bi" would bear the primary stress, and the vowel would be long too
(I think now that vowels in open syllables, or at least stressed ones, are
lengthened), which seems far too much weight to put on an epenthetic
vowel.  So I'm now thinking it should be "Ib-Likli", which would at least
have a short vowel.



Ian Spackman <ianspackman@...>