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Re: Mangling "Bleackley"

From:Tristan McLeay <zsau@...>
Date:Saturday, September 27, 2003, 11:58
In Ancient Føtisk*, there are two possibilities. In the event that it's
borrowed on pronunciation, it'd be 'Bliecli' /bli:kli/ (in the nom. sing.
it, however, would probably be 'Bleecli' /ble:kli/). However, because I
understand it comes from 'Black lea', it'd probably be calqued as
something like 'Blaclaief' (which would be of the same class as _laief_,
meadow, is, but I don't kno what that is).

(My own surname would either be Meclee/Meclae or Leesunu. When I wasn't
using pine to check my mail, I changed the quoted by line to a
Føtiskification of the quotee's name, but I can't get a wynn here so I
can't be bothered doing it.)

* My memory mostly nouns has recently got so bad that I almost had to look
that one up...

Tristan                  <kesuari@...>

Yesterday I was a dog. Today I'm a dog. Tomorrow I'll probably still
be a dog. Sigh! There's so little hope for advancement.
                -- Snoopy


Ian Spackman <ianspackman@...>
Ian Spackman <ianspackman@...>