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Re: Mangling "Bleackley"

From:Ian Spackman <ianspackman@...>
Date:Saturday, September 27, 2003, 13:49
At 14:32 27/09/03, I wrote:

>This suggested "Bi-Likli", a pseudo-compound, but I have my doubts about >that: "Bi" would bear the primary stress, and the vowel would be long too >(I think now that vowels in open syllables, or at least stressed ones, are >lengthened), which seems far too much weight to put on an epenthetic >vowel. So I'm now thinking it should be "Ib-Likli", which would at least >have a short vowel.
Hm, I'm being a fool. It shows I haven't had time to think about conlangs much for a month. I'd forgotten it's turned out not to be the case that the first syllables of nouns always bare the stress. So the name can be rendered Iblíkli, with an unstressed intitial <i>, quite happily. And my surname comes out as Aspákman. Ian


John Cowan <cowan@...>