--- Christophe Grandsire
<christophe.grandsire@...> wrote:
> En réponse à Adam Walker :
> >If it doesen't survive, how do the modern Romances
> >express "by turns", "one by one" or "invicem"?
> In French, we have the expression "à la fois" (not
> from "invicem", but it
> does have "fois" in :)) ) preceeded with a number to
> say how many of
> something we do, or get, in each turn. It's exactly
> equivalent to English
> "at a time": "one at a time": "un à la fois".
> Apart from that, we have nothing even close to
> "invicem".
So how would you express an idea like, "They entered
the house by turns," in French? I can't imagine there
not being some way to express the concept.
"Instead of" in
> French is mostly "au lieu de" or "à la place de"
> (less frequent). They are
> synonyms ("place" and "lieu" both mean the same:
> "place, position").
> Christophe Grandsire.
Thanks for the info. "in stead of" is another concept
I need to learn how to express in C-a.
Fached il prori ul pañeveju djul atexindu mutu chu.
-- Carrajena proverb